Dog enrichment for tail-wagging entertainment

Keeping your dog entertained and engaged is essential for their overall wellbeing. That's why investing in enrichment toys can be a great way to make sure they stay active, curious, and content. 

Enrichment comes in various forms – physical, nutritional, sensory, social or occupational. We’ve listed some top picks for dog enrichment toys, all of which are guaranteed to get tails wagging! It’s important to note that enrichment also requires variety and novelty to be truly effective. Mix up your enrichment activities and toys and try out new ones to keep your dog interested and prevent them from becoming bored.

What are enrichment toys?

Enrichment toys serve a greater purpose than just fun. They are designed to stimulate a dog’s cognitive abilities, promote physical activity, and cater to their sensory and social needs. Enrichment can range from providing treats in novel ways, encouraging exercise, or training sessions that get their brain ticking.

Benefits of enrichment toys for dogs

Enrichment toys can keep your pup occupied, while also providing plenty of mental and physical stimulation. Dog enrichment toys can help improve their overall learning ability and problem-solving skills, as well as improve their mood and health in the long run. What’s more, regular use of enrichment toys can help reduce anxiety in dogs and provide an excellent outlet to expend extra energy.

A toy box full of delights: List of enrichment toys

Physical enrichment toys

Physical enrichment toys are objects, games or activities that encourage physical activity and provide a stimulating environment for dogs. Examples of physical enrichment toys include:

  • Chew toys (e.g. rope, rubber)
  • Balls and launchers
  • Paddling pools and sandpits
  • DIY dog toys (e.g. cardboard boxes, old socks filled with treats)

Food enrichment toys

Food enrichment is designed to provide mental stimulation for dogs while offering a nutritional benefit. The enriching quality comes from the food being novel itself, or the way the food is presented being new and different. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Food puzzles (e.g. treat dispensers, lick mats)
  • Scatter feeding (hiding kibble around the house/yard for dogs to find)
  • Foraging boxes
  • Snuffle mats
  • Treat balls
  • DIY feeders (e.g. toilet roll holders filled with treats)
  • Novel foods – treats, bones, and safe “people foods” 
Dog playing with engagement toy

Sensory enrichment 

Sensory enrichment specifically engages your dog's senses – sight, smell, hearing, or touch:

  • Sights (e.g. take them for a walk in a new area)
  • Smells (e.g. lavender reduces signs of stress)
  • Sounds (e.g. classical music or audio books)
  • Textures (e.g. a sand pit or textured toys)
  • Sensations: (e.g. frozen treats, great for cooling off in summer)

Social enrichment activities

Social enrichment activities provide companionship and interaction with humans or other animals, helping keep a dog’s brain active and strengthening bonds. Shared activities and interactive toys are also a great way to strengthen your bond with your dog.

How your dog is socially enriched will depend on their personality and the level of social interaction they’re comfortable with. 

  • Playing fetch or tug-of-war
  • Going for walks (or hikes) in new areas (lots of new smells!)
  • Participating in agility courses/dog sports
  • Dog playdates with other dogs
  • Hiring a pet sitter/dog walker
  • Visiting the park
Border collie pulling on rope toy

Occupational enrichment activities

Occupational enrichment activities are activities designed to give dogs mental stimulation while challenging them to use their problem-solving skills. Examples of occupational enrichment activities include:

  • Hide and seek (hiding treats around the house or yard for your pup to find)
  • DIY feeders 
  • Obstacle courses (using objects like hula hoops, boxes, etc.)
  • Training sessions (teaching new tricks or working on training cues)

While “enrichment” sounds like a complicated topic, you’ve probably found many things on this list you already engage in as a dog owner! Enriching your dog's life simply means engaging them physically, mentally, and socially. 

An enriching life for you and your pup

Whether you decide to buy a toy or create one yourself, make sure it is safe and appropriate for your dog's size and age. And if you're looking for added peace of mind when caring for your pup, consider SPCA Pet Insurance which provides coverage in case of accidental injury or illness.